
Saturday 22 January 2011

Buzz delivery

At last I have got round to putting Buzz Lightyear together. I was really sceptical about making Buzz as so many posts on message boards said he was difficult to do but I so wanted to make him. He took me 5 hours to make but I was pleased with the result! I am a slow worker. I had intended making him as a shaped card but couldn't get this to work as I cut him so big and the strength wasn't in the card so I cut him out again in black and stuck that to a base card then mounted him onto that with foam so he wasn't flat. He can be removed from the card and used as a wall decoration. He is delivering a card to Ben for his 3rd birthday.

Toy story Buzz cut at 11.5 inches and mounted on an A3 folded card, (the shadow feature on the 12 x 12 mat would not fit at this size) Plantin schoolbook letters cut at 1.5 inches with and without shadow.

Thanks for following my blog and the kind comments you
leave, they are what keep me going ox

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